A Group Life Insurance Policy helps employers respond in a meaningful way to the untimely death of an employee, regardless of how the death occurs. By ensuring the financial security of your employees’ dependents, our selection of Group Life Insurance Policies can help you attract and retain the best talent.
Multiple Benefit Approaches
Whether you prefer a multiple of
salary or a
flat benefit, we can help you
find a Group Life Insurance Policy that is right for you and your business.
The Non-Medical Limit (NML) is the guaranteed amount of life insurance that an employee will receive without requiring medical underwriting. All amounts in excess of this amount are subject to satisfactory medical evidence of insurability. In other words, medical underwriting will be required for all excess amounts of insurance above the NML. NML’s vary by employer and are reviewed every year during renewal.
Medical underwriting is the use of medical or health information to assist in the evaluation of an applicant for coverage and determining the appropriate benefit and premium. Read more detail here.
The medical underwriting department should be advised of a death claim by the employer or the named beneficiary. If you need assistance please contact our Customer Service Team on 298-0888 or at insurance@argus.bm
Renewals occur for Group Life plans throughout the year. It depends on the anniversary date of the policy (i.e. the original policy effective date). For example, ABC Company insured for Group Life on November 1, 2012. ABC’s policy will renew on November 1st every year thereafter, unless otherwise stated.