In partnership with Johns Hopkins Medicine International* we have developed a comprehensive Case Management Programme, which provides one-on-one coaching and encouragement to help Argus Health members to take an active role in managing their health.
For Complex Healthcare Needs
A voluntary and FREE of charge programme for Argus Health members diagnosed with multiple chronic conditions and who want to better manage their health.
Working together for Success
Our Argus Health members work together with the Case Manager and healthcare professionals to develop a plan to improve member outcomes.
Keeping you on Track
Our Case Manager monitors progress toward expected outcomes, identifies barriers to achieving health goals, and provides updates to primary care providers.
Interested in Learning More?
Our experienced representatives are waiting to speak with you.
We understand at times that our clients may require assistance for a travel companion when accessing your Argus health benefits. Benefits for a travelling companion are approved in the following circumstances:
When the Insured Person is a minor Dependent Child,or has surgery or mental incapacity.
Customer Service Centre:
For routine health claims questions, call 298-0888 to speak with one of our knowledgeable Customer Service Representatives.
Worldwide Call Centre (if you require treatment overseas):
Before making any arrangements to travel overseas for medical treatment, please call us for pre-approval.From Bermuda, Canada and USA, call 1-800-720-7315 (toll free) or 1-905-532-2954 (collect) or email Argus Representatives are available to provide assistance with emergency medical care, emergency medical evacuation, discharge planning, loss of travel documents and insurance verification.
Your spouse (including legally married or common law spouse or legal domestic partner) and children.
Your child must be an unmarried, natural child, step-child, child of a dependent spouse or a legally adopted child who:
is under the age of 19; or
is over the age of 19 but under age 26, if the child is in full-time attendance in a recognised school, college or university; or
is over the age of 19, and is impaired by reason of mental illness, physical illness or disability or intellectually disabled and unable to meet the requirement for physical health, safety or self-care
“Argus” and “Argus Group” means Argus Group Holding and subsidiaries, including Bermuda Life Insurance Company Limited operating as “Argus Health.” Thrive is intended to complement rather than substitute for proper medical advice or treatment. *Johns Hopkins Medicine International (JHI) provides consultation and advice on the Case Management Nurse Advocate program.